Irreversibility Field in Hg-1223 Grain Aligned
Title, author, abstract
- title
Irreversibility Field in Hg-1223 Grain Aligned
- authors
Edmund S. Otabe(1), Teruo
Michael Baenitz(3), Christof Ecker(3), Klaus L\"uders(3)
Eugene V. Antipov(4)
(1)Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu
Institute of Technology,
680--4 Kawazu, Iizuka, 820 JAPAN
(2)Graduate School of
Information Science and Electrical Engineering (ISEE),
Kyushu University,
6--10--1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812--81, Japan
(3)Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universit\"at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D--14195 Berlin, Germany
(4)Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119899 Moscow, Russia
- abstract
The crystal axis of Hg-1223 powders was aligned in epoxy
resin under a high magnetic field and the irreversibility
field, $B_{\rm i}$, was estimated from the onset of the
temperature dependence of the fundamental and third harmonic
AC susceptibilities under a magnetic field parallel to the
$c$-axis. When the temperature dependence of $B_{\rm i}$ is
expressed as $[1-(T/T_{\rm c})^2]^n$, $n$ was large at low
temperatures and reduced to 1.5 at high temperatures. This
behavior is the same as other oxide superconductors and
indicates that two kinds of pinning centers work
collectively. The flux creep theory with assuming two kinds
of pinning centers successfully explains the temperature
dependence of $B_{\rm i}$. Comparing the present result with
the pinning force density dependence of $B_{\rm i}$ in
various oxide superconductors, the dimensionality of Hg-1223
was found to be close to that of Bi-2223 and Hg-1212.
- Original paper appears in
10th International Symposium on Superconductivity
October 28--30, 1997
Gifu, Japan